Read in Browser | Word Count: 427 | Time to Read: 1.44 minutes Hi Reader, Years ago, when I first started my business, a marketing mansplainer well-intentioned businessman said, "I wouldn't use Dr. Michelle Mazur if I were you. You're going to intimidate people." You know what I felt? SHAME. Something that I worked so hard for and that only 1% of people in the US achieve isn't a benefit - but a liability. Something to hide. Something to run away from. I think because we receive the message...
13 days ago • 3 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 432 | Time to Read: 1.49 minutes Hi Reader, I've been saying this a lot lately to members of The Expert Up Club, and maybe you need to hear it too... Marketing can never capture all that you are capable of. (And frankly, that's not marketing's job.) Marketing's one job is to open a door, make an invitation, and entice people to take one step further in understanding how you can help them. ****** Let me tell you about my friend and client, Jeff Felton. When I...
20 days ago • 3 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 528 | Time to Read: 2.10 minutes Hi Reader, Rebel truth: 95% of the people who discover your business aren't ready to work with you…yet! Surprise! You do all this work to get the word out about your business, and grow your audience. Then, once you FINALLY have someone's attention...they're not ready to hire you. And you know what? That's absolutely normal! ***** If you've been following along, you know we've been breaking down the GEO framework – the three jobs...
27 days ago • 3 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 598 | Time to Read: 2.31 minutes Hi Reader, A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…audience growth used to be easy. Post on social media consistently or run dirt-cheap Facebook ads and Viola! Instant audience. Nowadays, your audience grows at the speed of sloths. It’s not your fault. Marketing has changed. People are skeptical of ads and guard their email addresses like dragons protecting treasure. Let's face it: Growing an audience is a pain in the...
about 1 month ago • 4 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 368 | Time to Read: 1.43 minutes Hi Reader, Picture it: A massive gelatinous blob rolling through town, consuming everything in its path. Buildings? Gone. People? Absorbed. Adorable puppies? Gobbled up without mercy. (If you haven't seen the movie The Blob, just go with me here...) That's EXACTLY what marketing feels like sometimes, isn't it? This huge, amorphous thing threatening to suck up all your time, energy, and sanity. One minute, you're minding your own...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 335 | Time to Read: 1.25 minutes Hi Reader, Back when I was a public speaking coach, I thought I had created the perfect lead magnet. (Narrator: She did not.) I wrote an article that went viral on LinkedIn. 46,000 views in 48 hours. Countless comments, likes, and shares 2,000+ new subscribers opt into my "No Sweat Speech Prep" lead magnet. Sounds like a dream, right? Except...want to know how many of those 2,000 people became clients? Zero. Nada. Not a single...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 279 | Time to Read: 1.10 minutes Hi Reader, I'm working with a client who keeps giving me MORE. More expertise. More experience. More proof that she's brilliant at what she does. She's trying to cram everything she knows into her marketing message because she thinks that's what her potential clients need to see to hire her. The more we cram into our marketing message, the more confused our clients become. Confused clients walk away and look for someone else to...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 440 | Time to Read: 1.4 minutes Hi Reader, My hubby texted me this pic, and it stopped me in my tracks! It perfectly explains what I do for a living (and why marketing feels so dang hard for experts like us). Image Credit: Unknown Those concentric circles? They tell a brutal truth about expertise. Starting with that massive outer ring - "What I think" - that vast universe of brilliant ideas swirling in your expert brain. Then it shrinks. Dramatically. To "What I...
about 2 months ago • 3 min read
Read in Browser | Word Count: 555 | Time to Read: 2.21 minutes Hi Reader, It’s that time of year when everyone is talking about their goals and how this is the year…they are going to grow a massive email list. After all… "The $$$ is in the list!" 🙄 But is it really? Remember when I told you about cracking the code on marketing for The Expert Up Club? How it took me 21 months to figure out my marketing puzzle? That journey taught me something crucial - marketing any offer is like a 1000-piece...
2 months ago • 4 min read